It’s great to have our students back in the classroom and learning face to face however, online learning brought to the forefront positive aspects of using a device to enhance and engage students’ education. In order to continue this great work, it is important for students in Years 3 to 6 to bring their compatible device to school.

What are the benefits of my child having a device at school?

From Year 3, CCC students bring their own Apple iPad to school to use in a blended approach to their education. While maintaining regular bookwork, students also use their devices EVERY DAY at school in the following ways:

* SeeSaw to access reading materials, activities, record their reading and upload their learning activities while allowing teachers to give written and oral feedback
* Applications like Matific, Literacy Planet and Reading Eggs
* As a tool for research in their inquiry units
* To record their learning in text, visual, photo or video form

How do I know my child and their device is safe at school?

CCC has a Responsible Use of technology Policy to ensure iPads are kept safe and the students using them are also protected:

* Devices stay in school bags before and after school (there is no unsupervised access to iPads)
* Devices must come to school in a protective case
* Upon entry to the classroom, students follow the classroom procedure for the safe storage and use of iPads
* Students do not access their iPads during breaks. iPads remain in a locked classroom
* Students access the internet using the school network allowing access to appropriate sites only
* Teachers use the ‘Classroom App’ to adequately supervise individual iPads
* Students participate in lessons around the responsible use of technology

For students who do not bring their own device to school, they may share in a limited number of devices allocated to the Learning Community.

What happens when my child goes to Secondary School?

Students may continue to use their iPads in Junior Secondary School. Alternatively, from Year 6, students are permitted to bring a laptop to school. A device is an investment in your child’s education now and in the future!

CCC students are encouraged to bring their own device to school every day to enhance their learning opportunities and fully engage in the all aspects of the curriculum. For more information about BYOD and the Responsible Use of Technology Policy, please visit the College website