What is iTime?

We are living in a time of change and our children and young people are more and more exposed to the debates around climate and are witnessing through the news, on social media, and first-hand the environmental catastrophes locally and around the world.

Now more than ever, we have a responsibility to alleviate any fears that those in our care may be experiencing and flip this situation so they can see not only the natural beauty of the world and value what is and what it can be in the future, but what they have to contribute and to know their voices and their actions are important.

We ask that you explore these issues with your children, perhaps around the dinner table in the evenings, and encourage them to recognise themselves as conscious risk takers and inquirers who have the capacity to make a difference.

In the Secondary School, we are now running ‘iTime’, an 80 minute session held every Wednesday as the last class of the day.

In iTime, students explore their own place in the world, value the skills they have and how they connect with others, and design projects that support the Sustainable Development Goals. This time allows them to make connections with their learning, discover their passions, and seek ways to contribute to the larger community through Creativity, Activity, and Service. It is a valued and valuable part of their education and will enable them to thrive as local and global citizens and in their future career paths.  It is a space where students can contribute in the following ways:


  • Term 1: Recognise the importance of community and be able to connect with others while their own strengths and discovering their own interests
  • Term 2: Creating a product to give to others
  • Term 3: Designing and participating in a physical activity that they can teach others
  • Term 4: Producing a product or service to improve well-being in the community or for the environment.

Soon, students will be launching their e-folios (digital learning portfolios) which they will be able to share with you, demonstrating how they identify themselves as changemakers, and the skillset they have that enables them to contribute and to improve their own lives, those of others, and to  the environment. This program leads towards an assessment that is included in student term report cards under Global Competence and we value your support encouraging and checking in with your child so they realise that you are also invested in this goal.

To participate actively in this class, students need a laptop or ipad to be able to conduct their own research and document their learning through the portfolio process.  Students who do not have a device will need an exercise book and will need to undertake research online at home.

If you have any queries about this new program, please feel free to contact the school.

Best wishes and thank you for your support.


Pamela Curtin

Head of Global Competence
