Science Department

Welcome to all our new students and families to CCC. All of you would have received a welcome email from teachers introducing themselves and providing you with the term outline. All junior secondary students in Years 7-9 have or will soon start their assessment for this year, which includes lots of hands on activities in the classes. Students are expected to come prepared to the classroom, and this includes bringing a laptop and a writing book. All students would be finalising their formative assessment in the coming week. Parents will be receiving phone calls regarding students’ progress, if their performance is unsatisfactory in Science at this time.

Senior students in Years 10-12 have also entered into assessment mode. Year 12 students, in particular, are completing their first summative assessment IA1 – data test. Science tutorials are being offered on Monday and Wednesday from 2:45pm- 3:45pm in DT21. Chemistry students have also started their titration practice after school on Thursday & Friday (2:30pm – 4:00pm). The Big Science Competition will also be taking place this year and is open to all Years 7-10 students. All students should also keep an eye out for some fun and exciting extra-curricular activities, such as Crystal growing, which will be advertised soon.

For further information please contact Head of Science Mrs Roshni Sharma –