Positive Education School


Did you know that Calamvale Community College is a Positive Education school?

Calamvale Community College’s wellbeing framework is based on positive psychology. Positive Education is the application of positive psychology in an educational setting. It is a framework that is based on the science of wellbeing and the strategies people can apply in their lives to experience a flourishing existence. Positive Education is an evidence-based approach to student wellbeing that blends academic learning with skills that fall within the seven domains that appear around the outside ring of CCC’s Positive Education symbol (see above). Positive Education skills relate to concepts such as altruism, gratitude, optimism, resilience, growth mindset, engagement, mindfulness and identifying strengths in self and others.
Keep your eye out for more about Positive Education at CCC in upcoming newsletters.

Nerieda Anderson
Calamvale Community College
Developmental Guidance Officer