IB Camp

In the last week of Term 2, our Year 11 IB students journeyed their way to North Stradbroke Island. Here they spent three days residing at the University of Queensland’s Moreton Bay Research Station. The main purpose was to focus on the IB Core; Theory of Knowledge, CAS and the Extended Essay. Students undertook some mindfulness activities with a scenic ocean backdrop and focused on exploring their creative side with some artistic work.

The group also developed their teamwork skills with a specific focus on precise communication and the importance of this. Lots of fun with Duplo, balloons and puzzles.

A main component was exploring the strong indigenous history of the island. We were guided through the mangroves and heard stories of oral traditions and the importance of sustainability and balance. The students also then worked with a local Quandamooka gallery to develop their own indigenous art pieces using traditional techniques, which are now proudly on display in our IB Hub.

There was a strong emphasis on the initial thinking and planning of the Extended Essay with some workshops on designing research questions and mindmapping.

The group demonstrated many of their attributes of being communicators, knowledgeable, inquirers, balanced and risk-takers and braving the wet weather. Fantastic trip!